concrete sound database

from/for Christopher Bailey's Dissertation

(setf sounds
     (make-array '(549 12)

; **********************************************************************************************************************
;  ***********************************************************************************************************************
;  what follows are from group:
;  file                       duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm  color     agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                       12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7        1-7         0-7                 0-7
;                                       midi   pc from                     7=noise    7=        0=static                       0=bare
;                                              C=0                                    bright    2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                               4=change                       6=hi piano
;                                                                                               7=agitated                     7=ouch!!

 ("m.gong.lamp.whirr.MONOIZE"   1.851   (57 71)  (14)   7    7   (0.0)   5         4         5         ("metal" "plastic")    3)
 ("m.gong.whirr.4.RIGHTIZE"     0.865   (60)     (0)       3    7   (0.0)   3         6         2         ("metal")              4)
 ("m.klingbonk"                 0.524   ()       ()        4    5   (0.06 0.398) 
                                                                            6         4         6         ("blech")            (3 6))
 (""                0.372   (50)     (5 2)     4    4   (0.043) 1         4         6         ("voice")              4)
 ("m.pan.fart"                  0.362   ()       ()        5    2   ()      5         4         3         ("scrape" "plastic")   4)
 ("m.pan.fart.2"                0.557   ()       ()        5    3   (0.216) 6         4         4         ("scrape" "metal")     4)
 ("m.pan.fart.3"                0.46    ()       ()        5    2   ()      6         3         3         ("scrape" "metal")     3)
 ("m.pan.rhythm"                1.058   (61 64)  (2 7)     7    7   (0.0 0.15 0.451)  
                                                                            5         5         7         ("metal" "rhythm")   (4 5))
 ("m.pan.rhythm.2"              1.199   ()       ()        6    7   (0.0 0.203 0.512)
                                                                            5         3         7         ("metal" "rhythm")    (2 3))
 ("m.panbell.1"                 1.455   (62 71)  (17)      6    7   (0.0)   2         5         2         ("metal")              (4 5))

; 10 sounds so far

 ("m.platehit"                  0.312  (69)      ()     6      6    (0.0)    5        4         2           ("plastic")          4)
 ("m.platehit.2"                0.239  ()        ()     5      6    (0.0)    6        5         2           ("plastic")          4)
 (""                0.409  (65)      (8)    4      4    (0.02)   1        4         5           ("voice")            4)  
 ("m.quentin.laura"             1.77   (59 67)   (17 11)  4    3    ()       1        5         6           ("voice")            4)
 ("m.saw.1.MONOIZE"             0.427  ()        ()     5      4    ()       5        2         4           ("scrape")           2)
 ("m.shut2"                     0.211  ()        ()     3      6    (0.082)  7        6         3           ("click")            4)
 ("m.thblthblthbl"              0.542  ()        ()     2      2    ()       7        5         5           ("click" "blech")    4)
 ("m.trev.lau.stupid"           1.548  ()        (3 9)  4      2    ()       1        4         6           ("voice")            4)
 (""        2.109  ()        ()     3      3    ()       3        5         6           ("voice")            4)
 ("m.water.bang.bang.pour"      4.438  ()        ()     4      5    (0.0)    6        4         5           ("water" "pour" "drip")  5)

; 20 sounds so far

 (""     4.533  ()        ()     2      1    ()       6        3         1           ("water" "pvoc" "drone") 4)
 ("m.waterphone.1.RIGHTIZE"     1.036  ()        ()     7      7    (0.0)    3        5         4           ("metal" "water")    4)
 ("m.waterphone.3.RIGHTIZE"     2.023  ()        ()     7      7    (0.032)  3        5         4           ("metal" "water")    4)
 ("m.waterphone.5.RIGHTIZE"     3.535  ()        ()     7      7    (0.025)  3        5         4           ("metal" "water")    4) 
 ("ml.rub.bang.MONOIZE"         0.372  (68)      (12)   5      4    (0.134)  4        4         5           ("scrape" "switch")  3)
 ("ml.scrape.boop.MONOIZE"      1.115  ()        ()     5      4     (0.628) 6        5        4           ("scrape" "blech")    5)
 ("ml.spatula.ryt.MONOIZE"      1.974  ()        ()     6      7      (0.0 0.591 0.942 1.325 1.669)
                                                                             5         5         7          ("plastic" "rhythm" "pulse")
 ("motorcycle.pass.rm.bass"     10.568 (60)      (0 18 17 16)      
                                                        1      1     ()      6         6         3          ("landscape" "airplane")
 ("nature.6.RIGHTIZE"           7.678  ()        ()     1      1     ()      7         7         1          ("landscape")        6)
 ("rain.meg.oh.dear"            2.09   (65)      (8)    1      1     ()      5         6         2          ("landscape" "voice") 4)

; 30

 ("rhythm.crockery"             2.257  ()        ()     5      7     (0.0 0.412 0.819 1.067 1.566 1.963)
                                                                             7         7         5          ("metal" "rhythm")    7)
                                3.344  ()        ()     5      4     (0.092 0.394 0.645 0.824 1.472 2.149 2.771) 
                                                                             7         4         7    ("scrape" "blech" "rhythm")    3)
 ("rhythm.varied.2"             1.325  ()        ()     7      7     (0.0 0.732)   3   3         5          ("metal" "rhythm")    3)
 ("rhythm.varied.3"             0.799  (67)      ()     7      7     (0.032 0.366 0.536)
                                                                             3         3         7          ("metal" "rhythm")    5)
 ("trevor.k.q"                  0.459  (67 55)   (10)   2      2     ()      1         4         5          ("voice")             4)
 ("a4.bell.tolling.RIGHTIZE"    4.667  (68)     (14)   2      3    (0.167 0.973 1.765 2.537 3.939)
                                                                            3         6         2       ("metal" "pulse" "rhythm")  4)
 (""        1.21   ()      ()      6       6    (0.0)   5         3        6           ("glass" "wood")       3)
 (""            0.422  (81)    (14)    4       5    (0.0)   2         7        1           ("glass")              6)
 (""   1.759  (81)    (14)    4       4    (0.0 0.22 0.422 0.663 0.892 1.11 1.342 1.563)
                                                                            3         4        4           ("glass" "pulse" "rhythm")  6)
 (""        1.994  (81)    (14)    4       4     (0.0 0.704 1.2185)
                                                                             3         5        4           ("glass" "loop" "rhythm")  5)
; 40

 (""          60.395  (53)    (6)     2       1      ()     5         3        4           ("airplane")          3)
 ("awesome.door.creak"         13.0    ()      ()      5       1      ()     3         4        6           ("creak")             4)
 ("b.fs.pan.drums.lick"        1.447    (66 91) (10)   6      7     (0.0 0.08 0.16 0.284 0.49 0.69 0.87 1.07) 
                                                                             2         6        7           ("metal" "rhythm")    5)
 ("b.fs.pan.drums.lick.3"      1.894   (66 91)  (10)   7    7 (0.0 0.14 0.365 0.504 0.635 0.749 0.846 0.9955 1.12 1.21 1.344 1.48 1.66)
                                                                             2         6        7           ("metal" "rhythm")     5)
 ("b.pan.drum"                 0.671   (59 76)  (6 18) 7     7       (0.0)   5         3        2           ("metal" "plastic" "scrape")
 ("b4.swish.rhythm"            1.114   (71)     (17)    7      3    (0.535)  5         4        7           ("metal" "scrape") 
 ("b6.panscrape.ouch"          1.646   (83)     (17)    7      3    (0.44)   5         7        7           ("metal" "scrape")    7)
 ("bang.ting.MONOIZE"          1.454   ()       ()      7      7    (0.005)  6         7        3           ("metal")             7)
 (""           1.143   (82)     (16)    6      7    (0.0)    1         6        2           ("glass")             6)
 (""   0.375   (70)    (16)     5      5    (0.036)  4          6       3           ("glass")             6)    

; 50

 ("bf4.pan.fanfare"            3.0     (70)    (16)     7      7    (0.0   1.13
                                                                      1.7 2.25)
                                                                             4         5        7           ("metal" "rhythm")    4)
 ("bf4.pan.rhythm"             1.326   (59 66) (16)     7      7    (0.0 0.369 0.843)
                                                                             4         5        7           ("metal")             4)
 (""            0.251   (82)    (15)     6      7    (0.0)    3         4        2           ("glass")             5)
 ("cocnexp.wha"                1.732   ()      ()       6      5    (0.21 0.324 0.615 0.859 1.518)
                                                                             5         4        7  ("rhythm" "glass" "metal" "plastic")
                                                                                                                          (2 3 4 5))
 ("crickets2"                  12.388  ()      ()       2      1    ()       5         6        5           ("landscape")         7)
 ("crickets4"                   5.623  ()      ()       1      1    ()       6         6        4           ("landscape")         6)
 ("cs5.pan.scrape.ouch.glow"    1.265  (73)    (1)      7      2   (0.534)   6         5        6           ("metal" "scrape")    5)
 ("csqs5.pan.rhythm.rightlength" 5.444 (61)    (2)      6      7   (0.046 1.88 3.673 4.59)
                                                                             2         3        7           ("metal" "plastic")   4)
 ("csqs5.scrape.tone"           1.385  (59 74) (17)     6      3   (0.00 0.72) 6       4        6           ("metal" "plastic")   4)
 ("dee.weird.aiff"              0.359  (65)    (8)      1       2    (0.15)   6         4       5           ("voice")             4)

;  file                       duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm  color     agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                       12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7        1-7         0-7                 0-7
;                                       midi   pc from                     7=noise    7=        0=static                       0=bare
;                                              C=0                                    bright    2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                               4=change                       6=hi piano
;                                                                                               7=agitated                     7=ouch!!

 ("ds4.pan.rhythm"              1.619  (63)    (5)      5       6    (0.057 0.31 0.52 0.695 0.857 1.464)
                                                                              4         5       7           ("metal" "rhythm")    5)
 ("ds4.pan.scr.rhythm"          1.995  (63)    (5)      5       6    (0.066 0.499 0.938 1.677)
                                                                              3         5       7           ("metal" "scrape")    5)
 (""      0.93   (63)    (5)      4       5    (0.481 0.742)
                                                                              5         5       6           ("metal" "wood")      4)
 ("fs.pan.drum"                 0.570  (66)    (9)      6       7    (0.0)    3         6       2           ("metal")             4)
 ("fs4.cowbell.MONOIZE"         0.722   (66)    (10)    4       7     (0.0)    1        6       2           ("metal" "glass")     4)

 ("fs4.jarscrape.RIGHTIZE"      0.737  (67)     (10)    6       4     (0.0)    5        4       5           ("glass" "scrape")    5)
 ("gulp"                        0.123  (42)     (10)    2       3     (0.0)    4        2       3           ("blech" "scrape"
                                                                                                             "pvoc" "drone")      2)
 ("h.creak.2"                   2.32   ()       ()      2       2     ()       3        5       6           ("creak")             5)
 ("h.creak.3"                   1.052  ()       ()      2       2     ()       3        6       4           ("creak")             6)
 ("h.cup.klink.4.RIGHTIZE"      0.66   (83)     (17 18) 5        7    (0.0)    3        7       2           ("glass")            6)

; 70

 ("h.cymbal.pan.2.MONOIZE"      1.827  ()       ()      7        6    (0.009)  6        7       2           ("metal")            7)
 (""                 0.264  (84)     (0)     3        6    (0.0)    4        7       1           ("glass")            6)
 ("h.hit.jiggle"                0.556  ()       ()      5        5    (0.1)    7        6       6           ("blech" "metal")    5)
 ("h.jar.balls.shake"           4.169  ()       ()      4        3    ()       7        7       7           ("blech" "crunch")   6)
 ("h.klingk.2"                  0.18   (95)     (18)    2        5    (0.0)    4        7       2           ("metal")            6)
 ("h.klingk.gk.2"               0.295  (88)     (6)     3        5    (0.0)     3       7       4           ("metal")            7)
 ("h.klingk.gk.complex"         0.643  (88)     (6)     4        5    (0.0 0.420) 5     5       5           ("metal")            6)
 ("h.klingk.gk.complex.4"       0.814  (88)     (6)     5        6    (0.0 0.22 0.36 0.563)
                                                                               5        7       6           ("metal")            6)
 (""       0.720  (76)     (6)     6        7    (0.0)    3        5       1           ("metal")            6)
 ("h.scrash.heinous.RIGHTIZE"   1.858  ()        ()     7        7    (0.197)   7       4        3           ("metal")           4)

; 80

 ("h.silver.drop.2.MONOIZE"     1.487  ()        ()     7        7    (0.136)   6       5        7           ("metal" "crunch")  6)
 ("h.silvercrunch.2.RIGHTIZE"   1.455  ()        ()     7        7    (0.0)     6       7        2           ("metal" "crunch")  6)
 ("h.westport.grass"            2.563  ()        ()     2        1    ()        7       7        6           ("landscape")       7)
 ("l.bang.glow.RIGHTIZE"        1.042  ()        ()     5        7    (0.0)     6       1        4           ("wood")            3)
 ("l.boom"                      0.997  ()        ()     7        7    (0.093)   7       1        6           ("wood")            2)
 ("l.cymbals.nas.rub.MONOIZE"   1.115  ()        ()     6        2    ()        6       1        6           ("wood" "scrape")   1)
 ("l.drum1"                     0.663  (68)      (13)   6        6    (0.038)   4       3        4           ("glass" "wood")    3)
 ("l.drum2"                     0.447  (68)      (13)   5        6    (0.0)     4       3        3           ("glass" "wood")    3)
 ("l.fanfare.pans.pump.da.bass" 3.656  (66 68)   (10)   6        7    (0.0 0.655 1.549 2.247 3.129)
                                                                                 5       4        7           ("metal" "rhythm")  4)
 ("l.growl.contemplative.RIGHTIZE"  1.532  ()    ()     7        3     ()        7       2        7           ("blech" "scrape")  2)


 ("l.nasty.growl-scrape.3.RIGHTIZE" 0.617  ()    ()     6        3     ()        7       3        5           ("blech" "scrape")  3)
 ("l.nasty.rub.2.MONOIZE"           0.744  (42)  (10 11) 6       4     ()        4       1        4           ("blech" "scrape")  1)
 ("l.nasty.rub.4.MONOIZE"           1.167  (43)  (12 13) 6       3     ()        3       2        4           ("blech" "scrape")  1)
 ("l.pandrum.fanfare"               1.006  ()    ()     5        5     (0.491)   5       4        7           ("metal" "wood")    (2 4))
 ("l.pandrum.fanfare.2"             3.337  ()    (5)    7        7     (0.549 1.624 2.205)
                                                                               4       4        7       ("rhythm" "metal" "wood") (2 4))
 (""                   0.985  ()    ()     5        2     ()        6       3        5           ("blech" "scrape")    3)

;  the following from NEWSOUNDS01

;  file                       duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm  color     agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                       12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7        1-7         0-7                 0-7
;                                       midi   pc from                     7=noise    7=        0=static                       0=bare
;                                              C=0                                    bright    2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                               4=change                       6=hi piano
;                                                                                               7=agitated                     7=ouch!!

 ("beach.close.aiff"          18.1      ()     ()       1     1     ()     7          5          1           ("landscape")       5)
 ("beach.closer.better.aiff"  113.116   ()     ()       1     1     ()     7          5          1           ("landscape")       4)
 ("beach.dist.2.aiff"         14.283    ()     ()       1     1     ()     7          4          1           ("landscape")       4)     
 (""     9.802     ()     ()       1     1     ()     7          5          1           ("landscape")       5)

; 100

 ("bellee.MIZE.aiff"          10.599   (82 84 86 91 94 96 98) (0 3 16 11)
                                                        2     3     ()     1          7          7          ("metal" "melody")   6)
 ("bells.clicky.MIZE.aiff"    5.428    (82 84 86 91 94 96 98) (0 3 16 11)
                                                        3     3     ()     2          7          7          ("metal" "melody")   6)
 ("bells.plane.MIZE.aiff"     9.05     (82 84 86 91 94 96 98)   (0 3 16 11)
                                                        2     2     ()     1          7          6   ("metal" "airplane" "melody") (3 6))
 ("bng.shff.bng.MIZE.aiff"    0.474     ()     ()       4     5   (0 0.394) 6         4          6           ("click" "blech" "scrape")
 ("bngscrp.MIZE.aiff"         0.593     (54)   ()       6     4    (0.0)    5         3          5           ("scrape" "click" "blech")
 ("" 0.948   ()     ()       2     3    (0.0)    6         4          7           ("loop" "scrape")   5)
 ("cricketscape.1.aiff"         4.572   ()     ()       1     1     ()      7         6          1           ("landscape")       7)
 ("cricketscape.2.aiff"        10.9     ()    ()        1      1     ()      6        6          1          ("landscape")         7)
 ("cricketscape.3.aiff"         7.878   ()    ()        1      1     ()      6        7          1          ("landscape")         7)
 (""    12.023   ()    ()        1      1     ()      6        7          1          ("landscape")         7)  

; 110

 ("crkdr.1.MIZE.aiff"           3.953   (48 56) (0 12)  2      1     ()      3        3          5          ("creak")             4)
 ("crkdr.2.MIZE.aiff"           2.294   (49.5)  (1 2 17) 2     1     ()      3        3          5          ("creak" "melody")    3)
 ("crkdr.3.MIZE.aiff"           5.945   (48.5 55) (11 0) 3     1     ()      3        3          5          ("creak")             3)
 ("crkdr.4.quick.MIZE.aiff"     1.208   ()     (14 4)   2      1     (0.551) 3        4          5          ("creak")             4) 
 ("crkdr.5.MIZE.aiff"           2.025   ()     ()       2      1     ()      5        2          3          ("creak")             3)   
 ("crkdr.6.MIZE.aiff"           1.165   ()     (12)     2      1     ()      5        1          3          ("creak")             2) 
 ("crkdr.7.MIZE.aiff"           3.534   ()     ()       3      1     ()      5        2          3          ("creak")             3)
 ("crkdr.MIZE.aiff"             2.105   ()     ()       3      1     ()        5      3          4          ("creak")             3)
 ("crkdrryt.MIZE.aiff"          2.993   (57)   (15)     3      1     (1.327)   4      3          4          ("creak")             4)
 ("crosswood.MIZE.aiff"         0.84    ()    ()        4      5     (0.0)     7      4          4          ("wood" "scrape")     5)

; 120

 ("crosswoodryt.2.MIZE.aiff"    1.247   ()    ()        4      6     (0.0 0.231 1.247)
                                                                               7      4          6          ("wood" "scrape")     5)
 ("crosswoodryt.3.MIZE.aiff"    0.888   ()    ()        5      5     (0.0  0.441) 7   4          6          ("wood" "scrape")     3)
 ("crosswoodryt.4.long.MIZE.aiff"  2.782  ()  ()        4      3     (0.0 2.465) 
                                                                               7      4          7          ("wood" "scrape")     4)
 ("crosswoodryt.5.MIZE.aiff"    1.371   ()    ()        5      6     (0.0 0.307 0.943 1.216)  
                                                                               7      5          7          ("wood" "scrape")     5)
 ("crosswoodryt.MIZE.aiff"      0.882   ()    ()        5      7     (0.0 0.318 0.561)  7    5   6          ("wood" "scrape")     4)
 ("crushshells.MIZE.aiff"       1.091   ()    ()        4      5     (0.0)     7      7          6          ("blech" "crunch")    6)
 ("crushshells.carpass.MIZE.aiff"   6.392  () ()        5      4     (0.453 1.625 4.375)
                                                                               7      7          6          ("pulse" "crunch" "blech")
 ("dinky.thunsheet.MIZE.aiff"   0.547   ()    ()         7     7     (0.0)     6      6          2          ("metal")            5)
 ("dockscape.2.aiff"          27.924    ()    ()         1     1       ()      6      4          1      ("landscape" "airplane")   (3 6))
 ("dockscape.3.aiff"           9.19     ()    ()         1     1       ()      6      5          1      ("landscape")   	    6)

; 130
;  file                       duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm  color     agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                       12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7        1-7         0-7                          0-7
;                                       midi   pc from                     7=noise    7=        0=static                       0=bare
;                                              C=0                                    bright    2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                               4=change                       6=hi piano

 ("dockscape.4.aiff"           2.04     ()    ()         1     1       ()      6      5          1      ("landscape")               6) 
 ("dockscape.5.aiff"         12.992     ()    ()         1     1       ()      7      6          2      ("landscape")               6)
 ("dockscape.6.aiff"          6.014     ()    ()         1     1       ()      7      7          1      ("landscape")               5)
 ("dockscape.7.nice.aiff"    90.433     ()    ()         1     1       ()      6      4          1      ("landscape")               6)
 ("dockscape.8.clean.aiff"   13.711     ()    ()         1     1       ()      6      6          1      ("landscape")               5)
 ("dockscape.1.aiff"         76.944  (21 33 46) (14)     1     1       ()      5      1          2      ("landscape" "airplane")  (1 6))
 ("downstairs.aiff"           7.77      ()    ()         6     5       (0.0 0.273 1.569 2.31 2.928 3.698 4.179 
                                                                          4.725 5.285 5.833 6.326 6.845)
                                                                               6      1          6      ("pulse" "rhythm" "wood")   2)
 ("downstairs.megsing.DENOISE.aiff" 6.44  ()  (3 7 8 16)         5     6       (0.54 1.182 1.9 3.69)
                                                                               4      3          6      ("pulse" "rhythm" "voice")  4)
 ("driveway.1.aiff"                16.246  ()  ()       3      1      ()      7       5          5      ("landscape" "crunch")      5)
 ("driveway.2.aiff"                20.628  ()  ()       2      1      ()      7       6          4      ("landscape" "crunch")      5)

; 140

 ("glaasrub.1.MIZE.aiff"            0.241  (68 56 80) (12)
                                                        4      3      ()      5       4          3      ("glass" "scrape")          4)
 ("glaasrub.2.MIZE.aiff"            0.291  (68 56 80) (12)
                                                        4      7      (0.0)   4       4          4      ("glass")                   4)
 ("glaasrub.3.MIZE.aiff"            0.256  (68 56 80) (12) 
                                                        4      3      ()      4       4          3      ("glass" "scrape")          4)
 ("glaasrub.4.MIZE.aiff"            0.336  (68 56 80) (12)
                                                        4      7      (0.0)   5       5          3      ("glass")                   4)   
 ("glaasrub.5.MIZE.aiff"            0.246 (68 56 80)  (12)
                                                        4      5      (0.0)   3       5          3      ("glass")                   4)  
 ("glasrhyt1.MIZE.aiff"             0.401 (68 56 80)  (12)
                                                        5      7      (0.0)   1       6          4      ("glass")                   4)
 ("glasrhyt2.MIZE.aiff"             0.296 (68 56 80)  (12)
                                                        5      7      (0.0)   1       6          4      ("glass")                   5)
 ("glasrhyt3.MIZE.aiff"             0.375 (68 80)  (12) 5      7      (0.0)   3       6          3      ("glass")                   5)
 ("glasrhyt4.MIZE.aiff"             0.41 (68 56 80) (12)  6    5      (0.0)   4       5           4     ("glass" "scrape")      5)
 ("gryscrp.MIZE.aiff"               0.278  ()    ()     6      3      ()      7       5           3     ("blech" "scrape")      4)

; 150

 ("hits.megyell.MIZE.aiff"          2.105  (74)  (3)    4      5      (0.0 1.583) 5   5           7     ("voice")               4)
 ("kng.MIZE.aiff"                   0.31   ()    ()     6      7      (0.0)   4       4           2     ("metal")               4)
 ("kngjngl.MONOIZE.aiff"            0.448  (80)  (13)   6      7      (0.0)   2       6           3     ("metal")               5)
 ("kngjngl2.MIZE.aiff"              0.337  ()    ()     6      7      (0.0)   4       7           2     ("metal")               6)
 ("kngjngl3.MIZE.aiff"              0.4    ()    ()     6      7      (0.0)   5       7           3     ("metal")               7)
 ("kngkng.MIZE.aiff"                0.263  (59 71) (7 1)  5    7      (0.0)   3       5           4     ("glass" "metal")       5)
 ("kngring.1.MIZE.aiff"             0.32   (68 80) (12) 5      7      (0.0)   1       6           2     ("glass")               6)
 ("kngring.2.MIZE.aiff"             0.46  (68 80)  (12) 5      7      (0.0)   1       4           2     ("glass")               5)
 ("lampswitch.MIZE.aiff"            0.109  ()   ()      3      6      (0.0)   7       6           2     ("click")             5)
 ("lockryt.MIZE.aiff"               0.648  ()   ()      5      5      (0.1 .648)  7   6           6     ("click")             5)

; 160

 ("long.scrp.MIZE.aiff"             1.024  (61 73) (2)  4      3      (1.024)   3     4           6     ("creak" "scrape")    4)
 ("longlockryt.MIZE.aiff"           4.353  ()   ()      3      6      (0.0 0.134 0.252 0.425 1.016 1.728 2.2 2.597 2.872 3.579 4.076)
                                                                               7      6           7     ("click" "rhythm")    5)
 ("longscrp.bng.1.MIZE.aiff"        1.076  (62 50) (3)  4      4      (0.955)  4      3           5     ("creak")             4)
 ("longscrp.bng.2.MIZE.aiff"        0.917  (59 47) (16) 5      3      (0.831)  4      4           4     ("creak")             4)
 ("m.filtered.jar.MONOIZE.aiff"     3.343  ()   ()      3      2      ()       6      3           7     ("glass")             3)
 ("megscream.MIZE.aiff"             1.242  (63.5 75.5) (6)
                                                        7      2      ()       1      5           6     ("voice")             5)
 ("nightscape.1.aiff"               15.478 (93 81 69) ()     
                                                        1      1      ()       7      5           1     ("landscape")         6)
 ("nightscape.2.aiff"               31.077 (93 81 69) ()
                                                        1      1      ()       7      5           1     ("landscape")         6)
 ("nightscape.3.aiff"               53.873 (93 81 69) ()
                                                        1      1      ()       7      6           1     ("landscape")         6)
 ("nscrp.MIZE.aiff"                  0.277 (59 71) (18) 6      4      ()       3      4           2     ("creak" "scrape")    4)

; 170  so far

 ("nscrp2.MIZE.aiff"                 0.203 ()    (16)   6      4      ()       3      4           2     ("creak" "scrape")    4)
 ("nscrp3.MIZE.aiff"                 0.246 ()    ()     6      4      ()       3      4           2     ("creak" "scrape")    4)
 ("nscrpryt.1.MIZE.aiff"             0.793 (59 71) (18) 5      7      (0.0)    3      4           6     ("creak" "scrape")    4)
 ("nscrpryt.2.MIZE.aiff"             1.407 (61 73) (1)  4      4      (1.361)  4      4          5      ("creak" "scrape")    4)

 ("nscrpryt.3.MIZE.aiff"      0.747    (60.5 72.5) (18)   4    4     ()       3      4           5     ("creak" "scrape")    3)
 ("nscrpryt.4.MIZE.aiff"      1.236    (61 73)     (2 3)  5    3     (.073 .482 .835)
                                                                              3      3           5     ("creak" "scrape")    4)
 ("ocean.better.aiff"        64.681    ()          ()     1    1     ()       7      3           1     ("landscape")         4)

 ("ocean.dist.aiff"          56.027    ()          ()     1    1     (45.627) 7      4           1     ("landscape")         3)
 ("ouchscrape1.MIZE.aiff"     0.299    (60)        ()     7    3     ()       4      4           4     ("creak" "scrape" )   3)
 ("ouchscrape2.MIZE.aiff"     0.323    (61 49)     ()     7    4     ()       4      3           4     ("creak" "scrape")    3)

;  180 so far

 ("ponbang.1.MIZE.aiff"       0.340    ()          (8)    7    7     (0.0)    2      5           2     ("glass")             5)
 ("ponbang.2.MIZE.aiff"       0.514    (66 78)     (9)    7    7     (0.0)    2      6           2     ("metal")             4)
 ("quote.chris.beach.MIZE.aiff"  1.329 ()          (11 8) 2    1     ()       4      3           5     ("voice")             3)
 ("rubscreen.big.MIZE.aiff"    4.816   ()          ()     6    4     (0.541 1.734 2.622 3.669)
                                                                              6      2           7     ("scrape" "rhythm")   2)
 ("scddape.MIZE.aiff"          0.395   (23 35 47) ()      7    3     ()       6      2           5     ("scrape")            2)
 ("scrapescreen.1.MIZE.aiff"   0.956   (67 55)    ()      5    4     ()       7      4           4     ("scrape")            3)
 ("scrapescreen.2.MIZE.aiff"   0.512   ()         ()      5    5     ()       6      4           4     ("scrape")            4)
 ("scrpryt.MIZE.aiff"          1.268   ()    ()           7    4      (0.048 0.344)   
                                                                               6      4           7     ("scrape")           2)
 ("sheetgong.1.MIZE.aiff"      0.710   ()    ()           7    7      (0.0)    7      3           2     ("metal")            3)
 ("sheetgong.2.MIZE.aiff"      0.637   ()    ()           7    7      (0.0)    6      4           2     ("metal")            3)

;  190 
;  file                       duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm  color     agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                       12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7        1-7         0-7                          0-7
;                                       midi   pc from                     7=noise    7=        0=static                       0=bare
;                                              C=0                                    bright    2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                               4=change                       6=hi piano

 ("slime.breath.warf.aiff"     1.853   ()    ()           1    1      ()       7      4           3     ("landscape" "loop")  5)
 ("stoned1.MIZE.aiff"          0.505   ()    ()           3    3      ()       5      4           6     ("stone")             5)
 ("stoned2.MIZE.aiff"          0.872   ()    ()           4    2      ()       5      4           7     ("stone")             5)   
 ("stoned3.MIZE.aiff"          0.454   ()    ()           3    4      (0.0)    6      5           5     ("stone")             5)
 ("stoned4.MIZE.aiff"          0.778   ()    ()           4    4      (0.0)    6      5           6     ("stone")             5)
 ("stoner1.MIZE.aiff"          0.307   (62.5 74.5) (3)    2    5      (0.0)    4      4           3     ("stone")             4)
 ("stoner2.MIZE.aiff"          0.8     (62 74)     (3)    3    3      (0.0)    6      5           4     ("stone")             4)
 ("stoner3.MIZE.aiff"          1.191   (62 74)     (3)    3    7      (0.0)    5      5           5     ("stone")             5)
 ("stoner4.MIZE.aiff"          0.737   (61.5 73.5) (2)    3    7      (0.0)    6      5           5     ("stone")             5)
 ("stoner5.MIZE.aiff"          0.366   (61.5 73.5) (2)    3    6      (0.0)    5      5           5     ("stone")             5)

; 200

 ("tumble.megno.aiff"          2.11    (71)    (18)      4     3      (0.623)  4      3           7     ("voice")             4)
 ("under.wharf.bridge.2.aiff" 25.126   ()      ()        3     1      ()       7      7           1     ("landscape" "water") 5)
 ("under.wharf.bridge.aiff"   25.073   ()      ()        3     1      ()       6      5           1     ("landscape" "water") 4)
 ("wantlunch.MIZE.aiff"        4.653   ()      ()        2     1      ()       2      4           6     ("voice")             4)
 ("wharf.crackling.aiff"       3.973   ()      ()        3     3      (0.439 1.84 2.644)
                                                                               7      6           7     ("blech")             6)
 ("wharfscape.aiff"           11.178 (85 97 73) (1)      1     1      ()       5      7           3     ("landscape")         7)
 ("wharfscape.with.plane.aiff"      25.021 ()  (6)       1     1      ()       5      4           1     ("airplane" "landscape")  (2 7))


 ("a4.jingle.bells.2.aiff"    1.658  (69 85)   (14)     2      4     (0.0 0.44)    3     6       6           ("metal")             5)
 ("a4.jingle.bells.3.aiff"    1.16   (69)      (14)     2      3     (0.013 0.348) 3     6       6           ("metal")             5)  
 (""        0.540  (81 93)   (14)     4      7     (0.0)         1     7       2           ("glass")             6)

; 210

 (""     2.041  (81 93)   (14)     4      7     (0.0 .204  0.416 0.638 0.853 1.08 1.269 1.477  1.686)
                                                                                   1     6       6    ("pulse" "rhythm" "glass")    6)
 (""        0.227  (81 93)   (14)     3      6     (0.0)         4     4       1           ("glass")           (3 5)) 
 (""   0.923  (81 93)   (14)     5      7     (0.0)         1     5       2           ("glass")           (3 5))
 ("" 41.053   ()       ()       4      1     ()            5     4       4        ("airplane" "landscape")  3)
 ("" 41.196   () ()       1      1     ()            6     5       2        ("airplane" "landscape")  5)
 ("awesome.door.creak.2.aiff"   5.032   ()     ()       6      1     ()            2     5       7           ("creak")              5)
 ("b.fs.pan.drums.aiff"         2.407 (66 59)  (10 17)  7      7     (0.0 0.319 0.892 1.45 2.023)
                                                                                   2     5       7           ("pulse" "metal")      4)
 ("b.fs.pan.drums.lick.2.aiff"  0.983 (66 78)  (9)      7      7     (0.0 0.52)    1     6       7           ("metal" "rhythm")     4)
 ("b.fs.pan.drums.lick.4.aiff"  0.784 (59 71)  (17)     7      7     (0.0)         2     6       7           ("metal")              4)
 ("bang.bounce.DENOISE.aiff"    0.338  ()      ()       7      7     (0.0)         5     3       3           ("blech")              4)

; 220

 ("bang.tingling.aiff"          1.4    ()      ()       7      7     (0.03)        4     6       6           ("metal")              5)
 (""         0.93   (70 82)  (16)    6     7     (0.0)       1        7       2           ("glass")              5)
 (""  0.929  (70 82)  (16)    6     7     (0.0 0.257 0.436 0.573 0.715 0.815)
                                                                                1        7       6           ("glass" "rhythm")     5)
 ("bf4.pan.hit.w.da.bass.aiff"  0.723  (70)     (16)    7     7     (0.262)     4        4       5           ("metal")              4)
 (""          0.380  (82 70)  (15)    6     7     (0.0)       3        7       3           ("glass")              6)
 ("crickets1.aiff"              9.172  (39 51)  (0 2)   2     1     ()          6        6       1           ("landscape")          6)
 ("crickets3.aiff"              6.997  ()       (0 2)   2     1     ()          6        6       1           ("landscape")          6)
 ("csqs5.scrape.tone.2.aiff"    1.217  (71 73)  (17)    6     4     (0.67)      5        4       7           ("metal" "scrape")     4)
 ("csqs5.scrape.tone.damp.aiff" 0.864  (71)     (17)    6     4     (0.1 0.608) 4        4       4           ("metal")              4)
 ("ds4.pan.scr.rhythm.2.aiff"   1.815  (64 76)  (5)     5     3     (0.159 1.225)
                                                                                5        5       7           ("metal" "rhythm")     4)
;  230 so far
;  file                       duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm    color    agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                       12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7          1-7      0-7                          0-7
;                                       midi   pc from                     7=noise      7=       0=static                       0=bare
;                                              C=0                                      bright   2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                               4=change                      6=hi piano

 ("ef4qs.pan.rhythm-a-doo.aiff" 0.878  (75.5 87.5) (5)  7     6     (0.0 0.213 0.381 0.553 0.712)
                                                                                5        6       7           ("metal" "rhythm")     4)
 ("ef4qs.pan.scrape-a-doo.aiff" 1.57   (75 87)  (5)     7    4     (0.27 0.971 1.23) 
                                                                                4        6       7           ("metal" "scrape")     4)
 ("ef4qs.pan.scrape-a-doo.2.aiff" 1.743 (75 87) (5)     6    3     (0.060 0.876 1.18 1.446)
                                                                                4        6       7   ("metal" "rhythm" "scrape")    4)
 ("ef4qs.pan.scrape-a-doo.3.aiff" 1.788 (75 87) (5)     6    4     (0.026 0.525 1.121 1.595)
                                                                                4       6        7   ("metal" "rhythm" "scrape")    4)
 ("eqf.talkpan.aiff"             0.74   (63.5)  (6)     5    7     (0.0)        2       4        2           ("plastic")            4)
 ("fqs5.pan.swish.aiff"          0.557  (77)    (9)     6    4     (0.136)      5       3        7           ("plastic" "scrape")  (3 5))
 ("fs4.cowbell.2.aiff"           0.367  (76.5)  (10)    6    7     (0.0)        1       7        2           ("glass")            4)
 ("grunge.scrape.tingly.aiff"    1.115  ()      ()      5    3     ()           7       4        7           ("blech")            3)
 ("h.bird.1.aiff"            1.619 (83 95 107)  ()      2    1     ()           5       4        5           ("landscape")    (3 6))
 ("h.creak.aiff"             0.998  (92 80 68)  ()      3    2     ()           4       5        5           ("creak")        (3 6))

; 240

 ("h.cup.klink.2.aiff"       0.737   (82 94)    (16)    7    7     (0.0)        2       7        2           ("glass")            6)
 ("h.cup.klink.3.aiff"       0.558   (74 82 94) (16)    7    7     (0.0)        2       7        2           ("glass")            6)
 ("h.cup.klink.aiff"         0.744   (83 95)    (18)    7    7     (0.0)        2       7        2           ("glass")            6)
 ("h.cymbal.pan.3.aiff"     1.672     ()      ()        7     7    (0.0)        6       7        2           ("metal")            7)
 ("h.cymbal.pan.aiff"       2.044     ()      ()        7     7    (0.0)        6       7        2           ("metal")            7)
 ("h.cymbal.switryt.aiff"   0.898     ()      ()        6     6    (0.113)      6       6        6           ("plastic" "metal")  6)
 (""      0.201     ()      ()        3     7    (0.0)        5       7        2           ("metal")            6)
 ("h.hit.swish.toe.aiff"   0.496       ()      ()      6      7     (0.014)     7       7      6          ("blech")           5)
 ("h.jjjkling.aiff"        0.625       ()      ()      7      7     (0.058)     6       6      2          ("plastic" "metal") 5)
 ("h.klingk.aiff"          0.165       ()      ()      5      6     (0.0)       6       7      2          ("metal")         (5 7))

; 250

 ("h.klingk.gk.aiff"       0.269       (64 76) ()      4      7     (0.0 0.122) 5       7      4          ("metal")           5)
 ("h.klingk.gk.4.aiff"     0.451       (64 76) ()      6      6     (0.0 0.181) 6       7      3          ("metal")           7)
 ("h.klingk.gk.gk.aiff"    0.557       (64 76) ()      6      7     (0.0 0.236) 5       7      3          ("metal")           6)
 ("h.klingpan1.aiff"       0.441   (86.6 98.5) ()      6      7     (0.0)       6       6      2          ("metal")          (5 7))
 ("h.metal.jiggle.rhythm.aiff" 2.155   ()      ()      5      5     (0.0 0.699 1.47 1.88)
                                                                                7       6      7   ("rhythm" "scrape" "blech")  5)
 ("h.metal.jiggle.rhythm.long.aiff" 4.676  ()  ()      5      5     (0.1 0.46 0.754 0.976 1.264 1.8 2.08 2.578 2.9  3.682 4.676)
                                                                                7       5      7   ("rhythm" "scrape" "blech")  5)
 ("h.metal.jiggle.ryt.long.2.aiff" 3.319 ()    ()      5      3     (0.276 0.843 1.626 2.093 2.521 2.825 3.025)         
                                                                                7       6      7   ("rhythm" "scrape" "blech")  5)
 ("h.nasty.scrape.aiff"    0.377       ()      ()      5      2     ()          7       4      4        ("scrape" "blech")  5)
 ("h.painful.clang.aiff"   0.978   (70 82)     (16)     7    7     (0.0)       2       7         2       ("glass")           6)
 ("h.pan.cymbals.aiff"     0.422   ()          ()       7    6     (0.0)       7       7         5       ("blech" "cymbal")  7)

; 260

 (""          0.437   ()          ()       5    7     (0.0)       5       6         3       ("metal")           5)
 (""          0.216   ()          ()       5    7     (0.0)       5       6         2       ("metal" "plastic")  6)
 (""          0.365   ()          ()       5    7     (0.0)       6       4         3       ("metal" "plastic")  5)
 (""          0.722   (94 106)    ()       6    7     (0.0)       5       5         2       ("blech")            6)
 (""          0.492   (76 88 100) ()       5    7     (0.0)       6       5         2       ("metal")            5)
 (""            0.459   ()          ()       5    7     (0.0)       6       5         2       ("metal")            5)
 ("h.scrape.lick.aiff"     0.632   (75 63 87)  ()       5    4     ()          7       5         7       ("blech")            5)
 ("h.scrape.lick.3.aiff"   0.67    (75 63 87)  (5)      5    4     ()          5       5         7       ("metal")            4)
 ("h.scrape.lick.2.aiff"   0.556   (75 63 87)  ()       5    4     ()          7       6         7       ("blech")            5)
 ("h.scrash.heinous.aiff"  1.11    (69)        (13)     7    7     (0.175)     6       6         2       ("metal")            4)

; 270

 ("h.silver.drop.1.aiff"   0.823   (64 76)     ()       7    7     (0.172)     7       7         4       ("metal" "crunch")   5)
 ("h.silver.drop.3.aiff"   1.007   (64 76 88)  ()       7    7     (0.109)     6       7         2       ("metal")            7)
 ("h.silver.jingle.2.aiff" 0.984   (64 76 88)  ()       7    7     (0.083 0.319) 6     7         5       ("metal")            5)
 ("h.silver.jingle.aiff"   1.52    (64 76 88)  ()       6    7     (0.667 0.885 1.099) 7   6     6       ("metal")            6)
 ("h.silvercrunch.aiff"    1.182       ()      ()     7      7     (0.0)       7        7       2           ("metal" "crunch")  7)
 ("h.squeak.aiff"          0.07        (74 86) (3)    7      5     (0.0)       2        7       2           ("creak")           6)
 ("h.tambourine.bowl.aiff" 0.607    (75 87 63) ()     4      3     ()          6        5       6           ("plastic")         4)
 ("h.tambourine.bowl.2.aiff"  0.533 (75 87 63) ()     5      3     ()          7        5       6           ("plastic")         4)
 ("h.tambourine.bowl.3.aiff"  0.692    (75 87) (5)    4      3     ()          6        5       6           ("plastic")         4)
 ("h.westport.grass.2.aiff"   1.821    ()      ()     3      1     ()          7        6       6           ("landscape")       5)

; 280

 ("h.wonderbell.2.aiff"      15.228  (58 72)   (17 14 12 9 6) 7   7  (0.0)     1        7       3           ("metal" "pvoc" "drone")  5)
 ("h.wonderbell.3.aiff"       9.843  (58 72)   (17 14 12 9 6) 7   7  (0.0)     2        6       3           ("metal" "pvoc" "drone")  6)
 ("h.wonderbell.aiff"      4.084     (58 72)   (16 0 3) 7      7     (0.0)     1        7       2           ("metal" "pvoc" "drone")  5) 
 ("hi.squeak.CLEAN_STRETCH.aiff" 0.118 (81 93 105) (14) 3      3     ()        1        7       1           ("creak")           7)
 ("jj.k.jj.kling.aiff"           0.989 ()      ()     5      6     (0.0 0.538) 7        4       7           ("wood")            3)
 ("l.drum3.aiff"          0.534        ()      ()     6      7     (0.0)       6        3       2           ("wood"  "drum")    3)
 ("l.drum4.aiff"           0.254       ()     ()       7     7     (0.0)       7         3      2           ("drum")            2)
 ("l.klik.rub.bang.aiff"   1.656   (44 32)    (12)     4     4     (1.376)     4         3      5           ("creak")           1)
 ("l.lock.jiggle.2.aiff"   1.046   ()         ()       6     7     (0.084 0.24 0.648 0.966)
                                                                               7         2      7   ("rhythm" "wood" "click")    2)
 ("l.lock.jiggle.aiff"     0.77    ()         ()       6     5     (0.6 0.249 0.392)  6  3      7       ("rhythm" "wood")        3)

; 290

 ("l.nasty.growl-scrape.2.aiff" 0.68   ()     ()       6     3     ()          7         1      3           ("scrape")          2)
 ("l.nasty.growl-scrape.4.aiff" 0.71   ()     ()       5     3     ()          7         4      3           ("scrape")          3)
 ("l.nasty.growl-scrape.aiff"   3.59   ()     ()       7     2     ()          7         1      7           ("scrape")          1)
 ("l.nasty.rub.aiff"            0.828  ()     (9 10)   7     2     ()          5         4      6           ("scrape")          1)
 ("l.nasty.very.rub.aiff"       0.9   (39 27) (7 4 5)  7     3     ()          3         3      6           ("scrape")          1)
 ("l.scrape.rub.aiff"           1.5    ()     ()       6     1     (1.27)      6         4      4           ("scrape")        (4 1))
 ("m.awesome.scrape.aiff"       2.074  (54 42) ()      4     1     ()          5         4      5           ("scrape")          3)
 (""            8.84    ()    (14)    7     4     ()          7         6      6           ("blech" "radio") (4 7))
 ("m.bangpan.aiff"              0.735   ()    ()       7     7     (0.0)       7         7      2           ("plastic" "metal")  5)
 ("m.bk.crunch.aiff"            0.487   ()    ()       7     7     (0.0)       7         5      3           ("blech" "crunch")   4)

; 300

;  file                       duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm    color    agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                       12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7          1-7      0-7                          0-7
;                                       midi   pc from                     7=noise      7=       0=static                       0=bare
;                                              C=0                                      bright   2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                               4=change                      6=hi piano

 ("m.bk.crunch.2.aiff"          0.494   ()    ()       7     7     (0.0)       7         5      3           ("blech" "crunch")   5)
 ("m.bk.crunch.3.aiff"          0.449   ()    ()       5     6     (0.0)       7         6      2    ("plastic" "crunch" "blech") 5)
 ("m.bottle.gogee.swish.aiff"   2.0     ()    ()       5     5     (0.026 0.824 1.902)
                                                                               7         3      7    ("glass" "water" "rhythm")   4)
 ("m.bottle.kdng.aiff"          0.26   (39 51 89) (5)  6     7     (0.0)       4         4      2           ("glass")             3)
 ("m.boxdrums.ostinato.aiff"    5.587   (59)      (18) 5     6     (0.035 0.88 1.846 2.73 3.75 4.454 4.69 5.418)
                                                                               4         3      7           ("loop" "rhythm")     3)
 ("m.cantop.bang.glow.2.aiff"   2.778   (68 49 37) (13) 6    6     (0.0)       2         4      2           ("metal")             4)
 ("m.cantop.bang.glow.3.aiff"   2.0    (68 49 37) (13)  5    7     (0.0)       1         3      2           ("metal")             3)     
 ("m.cantop.bang.glow.4.aiff"   1.3    (68 49 37) (13)  6    7     (0.0)       2         5      2           ("metal")             4)
 ("m.cantop.bang.glow.5.aiff"   1.9    (68 49 37) (13)  6    7     (0.0)       1         3      2           ("metal")             4)
 ("m.cantop.bang.glow.6.aiff"   1.66   (68 49 37) (13)  6    7     (0.0)       2         5      2           ("metal")             4)

; 310

 ("m.cantop.bang.glow.aiff"     3.986  (68 49 37) (13)  6    7     (0.0)       2         4      2           ("metal")             4)
 ("m.chris.2nd.quiet.aftnoon.aiff" 2.199 ()     (0)   2    2     ()          5         4      2           ("landscape" "voice")  5)
 ("m.chris.hi.aiff"            0.591   (59 57)    (18)  7    4     ()          1         3      4           ("voice")             3)
 ("m.chris.quiet.morning.aiff" 1.503   ()         (18)  1    1     ()          6         5      2           ("voice" "landscape")  (3 6))
 ("m.chris.silence.aiff"       1.164   (61 49)    (1)   2    1     ()          5         4      3           ("voice")            (3 6))
 ("m.chris.afternoon.aiff"      1.14    ()     (5)     2    1       ()          3        4       3           ("landscape" "voice") 4)
 ("m.chris.soft.afternoon.aiff" 1.4     ()     ()      1    1       ()          6        5       2           ("landscape" "voice") 4)
 ("m.cutbang.aiff"              0.31    ()     ()      4    5       (0.0)       7        3       5           ("click")             4)
 ("m.cutbang.2.aiff"            0.35    ()     ()      5    4       (0.05)      7        5       5           ("click")             4)
 ("m.drum.aiff"                 0.61    ()     ()      6    7       (0.0)       7        4       3           ("click" "drum")      3)

; 320

;  file                       duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm    color    agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                       12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7          1-7      0-7                          0-7
;                                       midi   pc from                     7=noise      7=       0=static                       0=bare
;                                              C=0                                      bright   2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                               4=change                      6=hi piano

 ("m.gibberish.chris.aiff"      1.491 (51.5 63.5)  (5) 4    3     (0.238 0.087 0.752) 3  4       5           ("voice")             3)
 ("m.gibberish.chris.2.aiff"    0.409   (49 61) (1 16) 2    1       ()          2        3       4           ("voice")             3)
 ("m.gibberish.chris.3.aiff"    0.49    (49 61) (1)    3    2     (0.166)       2        4       4           ("voice")             3)
 ("m.gong.2.aiff"               0.64    (60 48 72) (0) 5    7     (0.0)         3        6       3           ("metal")            (4 7))
 ("m.gong.lamp.whirr.2.aiff"    0.85   (56.5 68.6) (14) 7   7     (0.0)         3        4       2           ("metal")             4)
 ("m.gong.lamp.whirr.3.aiff"    1.42   (57 69)  (14)  7    7     (0.0)          3        4       2           ("metal")             3)
 ("m.gong.whirr.5.aiff"         1.083   (60)    (0)    6    7     (0.0)         2        5       2           ("metal")             4)
 ("m.gong.whirr.1.aiff"         1.043   ()      (0)    5    7     (0.0)         3        4       2           ("metal")             3)
 ("m.gong.whirr.3.aiff"         0.852   ()      (0)    5    7     (0.0)         3        4       2           ("metal")             4)
 ("m.gong.whirr.6.aiff"     1.585   (60)    (0)         6    7     (0.0)        2        4       2           ("metal")            4)

; 330

 ("m.gong.whirr.ryt.aiff"   1.376   (57 45) (14)        5    6     (0.0 0.183 0.371 0.517 0.945)
                                                                                 3        2       7  ("pulse" "rhythm" "metal")   3)
 (""        0.426   (52 64)  (6)         3    3     ()            1        3       3          ("voice")            3)
 ("m.oh.chris.aiff"        0.351   (52 64)  (5)         4    4     (0.0)         1        4       3          ("voice")            3)
 ("m.panbell.2.aiff"       1.537   (49 70 82) (17)      7    7     (0.0)         5        6       2          ("metal")            4)
 ("m.panbell.4.aiff"       1.256   (49 70 82) (17)      7    7     (0.0)         5        6       2          ("metal")            4)
 (""      0.545   (61)       (2)       4    4     ()            2        4       4          ("voice")            3)
 (""   0.736    (70.5 58.5) (15)     6    3     ()            1        5       3          ("voice")            5)
 ("m.quentin.change.aiff"  0.495   (50 62)     (3)      2    2     ()            2        2       3          ("voice")            3)
 ("m.quentin.starts.aiff"   0.466  (55 67)     (8)   4    3     ()            2        5       3          ("voice")            4)
 ("m.saw.2.aiff"           0.335   (50 62)  (3)         7    3     ()            5        6       3          ("blech")            2)

; 340

 ("m.saw.3.aiff"           0.334   (50 62)  (2)         7    4     (0.005)       5        6       3          ("blech")            2)
 ("m.saw.4.aiff"           0.373   ()       (17)        7    5     (0.004)       5        5       3          ("blech")            1)
 ("m.saw.hit.aiff"         0.67    ()       (12)        7    5     (0.567)       5        4       3          ("blech")            1)
 ("m.saw.osc.2.aiff"       1.566   (56 68)  (14 13 12 3)  7  3     (0.036 0.096 0.175 0.297 0.7 0.971 1.366)
                                                                                 5        6       7    ("rhythm" "scrape" "pulse")   3)
 ("m.saw.osc.aiff"         1.411        ()  (13 14)     7   5     (0.064 0.305 0.519 0.758 0.959 1.21)
                                                                              5          5        7           ("pulse" "scrape") 3)
 (""       0.747        ()  ()          6   3     ()          6          5        5           ("scrape")         2)
 (""       0.8          ()  ()          5   5     (0.0)       5          5        4           ("scrape")         2)
 (""       0.769        ()  ()          5   4     ()          6          4        4           ("scrape")         1)
 ("m.scrap-o-rhythm.aiff"  0.983        ()  ()          3   4     (0.0 0.58 0.87)   6    2        7           ("blech" "rhythm")   3)
 ("m.scrape-o-rhythm.2.aiff"   1.334    ()  ()          7   6     (0.139 0.657 0.824 1.036)
                                                                              7          6        7           ("plastic" "rhythm") 6)

; 350

 ("m.scrape.aiff"          0.501        ()  ()          5   3     ()          7          6        4           ("scrape")        (4 5))
 ("m.scrape.2.aiff"        0.524        ()  ()          7   4     ()          7          7        4           ("scrape")        (2 5))
 ("m.scrape.3.aiff"        0.33         ()  ()          7   3     ()          7          6        4           ("scrape")        (3 5))
 ("m.scrape.kk.aiff"       0.541        ()  ()          7   4     ()          7          4        4           ("scrape")          3)
 ("m.scrape.ostinato.aiff"    4.405     ()     ()       6   7       (0.0 1.113 2.218 3.335)
                                                                              7          7        6   ("loop" "pulse" "rhythm")     6)
 ("m.shut1.aiff"         0.174          ()     ()       6   7       (0.041)   7          5        2           ("click")             4)
 ("m.shutrhythm.aiff"    2.567          ()     ()       4   6       (0.0 0.74 1.732) 
                                                                              6          6        7       ("loop" "rhythm")         5)
 ("m.tom2.aiff"       0.338             ()     ()       7   7       (0.0)     5          5        2           ("plastic" "tom" "drum") 5)
 ("m.tom4.aiff"       0.389             ()     ()       7   7       (0.0)     5          6        2          ("plastic" "tom" "drum")  5)
 ("m.tom5.aiff"       0.458             (59)   (17)     6   7       (0.0)     3          4        2     ("plastic" "tom" "drum")     4)

; 360

 ("m.tom6.aiff"       0.279             ()     ()       4   7       (0.0)     4          4        2     ("plastic" "tom" "drum")     4)
 (""   0.828     (68 59) (12 17)  4  3       ()        1          4        5           ("voice")          4)
 (""    0.395     (57 69) (15)    3   4       ()        2          4        5           ("voice")          4)
 ("m.water.pour.aiff"         3.531     ()      ()      2   1       ()        5          6        5           ("water")          5)
 ("m.water.toilet.flush.aiff"  14.718   ()      ()      4   2       (11.81)   7          6        6           ("water")          5)
 ("m.waterphone.2.aiff"     1.024       ()      (9)     7   7       (0.0)     2          4        4           ("metal")          4)
 ("m.waterphone.4.aiff"     1.057       (66.5)  (10)    7   7       (0.0)     3          5        4           ("metal")          4)   
 ("m.waterphone.6.aiff"     3.99        (66.5)  (10)    7   7       (0.0 0.79 1.635 2.54)
                                                                              4          5        6           ("metal" "water")  4)
 ("m.wind.the.rtcht.aiff"   3.85        ()      ()      5   3       (0.574 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.0)  
                                                                              7          7        7   ("pulse" "rhythm" "blech")  5)
 ("m.yes.aiff"             0.262        (51 63) (6)     3   2       ()        1          3        2           ("voice")          3)

; 370
;  file                       duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm    color    agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                       12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7          1-7      0-7                          0-7
;                                       midi   pc from                     7=noise      7=       0=static                       0=bare
;                                              C=0                                      bright   2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                               4=change                      6=hi piano

 ("m.zip1.aiff"            0.422        ()      ()      6   1       ()        7          6        4           ("scrape")         5)
 ("m.zip2.aiff"              0.376     ()      ()      7       4     ()           7     7       4           ("scrape")        4)
 ("m.zip3.aiff"              0.331     ()      ()      7       4     ()           7     6       5           ("scrape")        4)
 ("" 15.333     ()      (0 16 12 0 13 13 16 10)     
                                                       6       5     (0.398 1.516 5.348 8.884 10.095 10.610 11.051 11.653 14.038)
                                                                                  4     4    7   ("voice" "click" "melody" "rhythm")  4)
 ("ml.bang.glow.2.aiff"      0.89      ()      ()      7       7     (0.0)        6     5      3           ("plastic")        4)
 ("ml.bang.glow.aiff"        0.427     ()      ()      7       7     (0.0)        5     4      2           ("plastic")        3)
 ("ml.bang.hum.klik.aiff"    0.397     (44 32) (14)    7       7     (0.0)        6     4      4           ("plastic")       (2 5))
 ("ml.bang.hum.rhythm.2.aiff" 1.483    (44 32) (13)    7       7     (0.0 0.423 1.31)
                                                                                  6     6      6       ("click" "rhythm" "loop") (2 5))
 ("ml.bang.hum.rhythm.3.aiff" 1.942    ()      ()      6       7     (0.239 0.676 0.907 1.852)
                                                                                  7     5      6       ("loop" "click" "rhythm")   5)
 ("ml.bang.hum.rhythm.aiff"   1.099    ()      (13)    5       6     (0.006 0.717 0.846 0.981)
                                                                                  5     5      7    ("loop" "click" "scrape" "rhythm")
                                                                                                                             (2 5))
; 380

 ("ml.banging.screen.aiff"    2.873    ()      ()      5       4     ()           7     2      7           ("pulse")          2)
 ("ml.big.bang.aiff"          0.73     ()      ()      7       7     (0.0)        7     2      3           ("wood")           2)
 ("ml.big.bang.3.aiff"        0.399    ()      ()      5       7     (0.0)        5     1      2           ("wood")           1)
 ("ml.big.bang.2.aiff"        0.345    ()      ()      6       7     (0.0)        5     1      2           ("wood")           1)
 ("ml.chris.laugh.sinister.aiff"  0.76   ()    ()      7       4     ()           2     5      7           ("voice")          3)
 ("ml.doorclose.aiff"   0.466          ()      ()      6       6     (0.11)       6     3      4           ("click")        2)
 ("ml.fridge.aiff"      16.393         (45 57 33) (16) 4       1     ()           3     1      1           ("drone")        1)
 ("ml.hit.aiff"         0.062          ()      ()      6       7     (0.0)        7     5      2           ("click")        4)
 ("ml.hit.2.aiff"      0.05            ()      ()      5       7     (0.0)        7     2      2           ("click")        3)
 ("ml.kerblrk.aiff"    0.496           (69 81) ()      7       6     (0.157)      5     5      5           ("metal")        4)

; 390

 ("ml.klk.scrape.aiff"    0.353        ()      ()      5       6     (0.0)        7     4      4           ("scrape")      (2 5))
                          0.984        (62)    ()      5       5     (0.233)      5     3      6           ("loop")        (2 4))
 ("ml.metal.rhythmlick.aiff"   0.486   ()      ()      5       6     (0.0)        6     4      4           ("wood")           4)
 ("ml.metl.bng.ring.aiff"      1.423   (51 63) ()      7       6     (0.0)        6     1      2           ("metal" "wood")   1)
 ("ml.metl.bng.ring.2.aiff"    1.364   ()      ()      5       6     (0.0)        6     1      5           ("metal" "wood")   2)
 ("ml.metl.bng.ring.3.aiff"    2.217   (71)    (17)    5       6     (0.0)        4     2      2           ("metal" "wood") (1 4))
 ("ml.metl.bng.scrape.ring.aiff" 1.383  (66)   ()      7       5     (0.0)        6     3      5           ("blech" "wood" "scrape") 1)
 ("ml.mower.aiff"              0.704  ()      ()       1      1     ()       7          5        1           ("blech")        (2 7))
 ("ml.nasty.scrape.aiff"       0.696  ()      ()       7      3     ()       7          6        4           ("scrape")       4)
 ("ml.nasty.scrape.2.aiff"     0.89   ()      ()       5      3     ()       7          6        5           ("scrape")       4)

; 400

 ("ml.pan.fart.swish.aiff"     0.869  ()      ()       6      5     (0.075)  6          4        5           ("scrape")       3)
 ("ml.pan.fart.swish.2.aiff"   0.947  ()      ()       5      5     (0.1)    7          4        6           ("scrape")       3)  
 ("ml.pan.swish.aiff"          1.072  ()      ()       6      6     (0.0 0.355)  7      6        7           ("scrape" "loop")  4)
 ("ml.pan.swish.continuous.aiff" 2.478  ()    (3)      6      4     (0.658 1.20 2.375)  
                                                                             7          6        7           ("scrape" "loop")  4)
 ("ml.pangong.aiff"            0.545  (60 62 74) (3)   7      7     (0.0)    4          4        2           ("plastic")       (2 4))
 ("ml.quickscrape.aiff"        0.246  ()      ()       7      2     ()       7          5        3           ("scrape")         4)
 ("ml.quickscrape.2.aiff"      0.229  ()      ()       7      2     ()       7          6        3           ("scrape")         4)  
 ("ml.quickscrape.3.aiff"      0.211  ()      ()       7      2     ()       7          6        3           ("scrape")         5)  
 ("ml.quickscrape.4.aiff"      0.177  ()      ()       7      2     ()       7          7        3           ("scrape")         4)     
 ("ml.wood.bang.aiff"          0.501  ()      ()       5      7     (0.22)   7          7        2           ("click")          5)

; 410

                              72.818  (47 35) (17)     1      1     ()       7          7        1           ("landscape")    (2 7))
 ("nature.1.aiff"             19.244  ()      ()       1      1     ()       7          7        1           ("landscape")      7)
 ("nature.2.aiff"              2.259  ()      ()       1      1     ()       7          7        1           ("landscape")      7)
 ("nature.3.aiff"             16.477  ()      ()       1      1     ()       7          7        1           ("landscape")      7)
 ("nature.plane.subtle.aiff"  22.872  ()      ()       1      1     ()       7          7        1           ("landscape")      7)
 ("rain.chris.probably.aiff"   2.808  ()      ()       1      1     ()       7          6        2           ("landscape" "voice") (4 7))
 ("rain1.aiff"                 3.112  ()      ()       2      1     ()       7          6        2           ("landscape" "voice") (5 7))
 ("rain2.aiff"                 2.597  ()      ()       2      1     ()       7          6        1           ("landscape")      6)
 ("rain3.aiff"                 4.826  ()      ()       2      1     ()       7          6        1           ("landscape")      6) 
 (""        1.449  ()      ()       1      1     ()       7          6        1           ("landscape")      6)

; 420
;  file                       duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm    color    agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                       12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7          1-7      0-7                          0-7
;                                       midi   pc from                     7=noise      7=       0=static                       0=bare
;                                              C=0                                      bright   2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                               4=change                      6=hi piano

 (""        0.783  ()      ()       1      1     ()       7          6        1           ("landscape")      6)
 (""          0.712   ()    ()       1     1     ()          7       7       1           ("landscape")      7)
 ("rain9.totally.exquisite.aiff" 2.748   ()    ()       1     1     ()          7       7       1           ("landscape")      7)
 (""         2.143   ()    ()       3     6     (0.0 0.659 1.635)
                                                                                7       7      6      ("pulse" "rhythm" "click")   7)
 ("water.dribble.aiff"           8.072   ()    ()       4     2     ()          6       5      5           ("water")           5)
 ("where.aiff"                   0.316   (64 76) (6)    5     3     ()          2       5      3           ("voice")           4)
 ("whh.aiff"                     0.225   ()    ()       2     1     ()          5       2      3           ("voice" "drone" "pvoc")  2)
 ("why.aiff"                     0.48   (65 64.5) (8)   5     3     ()          1       5      3           ("voice")          4)
 ("mh.bell.kk.aiff"            0.391    (64 83) (6)     7     7     (0.0)       3       7      2           ("metal")          5)
 ("mh.bowlscrape.aiff"         1.35      ()    ()       7     4     (0.043)     7       7      7           ("plastic")        6)

; 430

 ("mh.bowlslap.rhythm.aiff"    1.064   (69 71) (17 14)  6     7     (0.0 0.203 0.378 0.559 0.754)
                                                                                6       7      7           ("pulse" "rhythm" "metal")  5)
 ("mh.bureau.jiggle.ryt.2.aiff" 1.726  ()      ()       4     6     (0.25 0.73 1.23 1.536)
                                                                                6       6      7           ("loop" "rhythm" "click")   6)
 ("mh.bureau.jiggle.ryt.aiff" 1.334    ()      ()       4     5     (0.284 0.708 1.239)
                                                                                7       6      7           ("loop" "click" "rhythm")  6)
 ("mh.cantop.1.aiff"          0.989  (69 78)   (14 9)   7     7     (0.0)       6       7      3           ("metal")           5)
 ("mh.cantop.2.aiff"   0.819       (48 61)     ()       6     7     (0.0)       4       5      2           ("metal")           3)
 ("mh.cantop.fanfare.aiff" 1.268   ()          ()       7     6     (0.179)     6       7      7           ("metal")           4)
 ("mh.chest.rhythm.aiff"        0.72   ()      ()       5     5     (0.338)     7       5      6           ("wood" "click")    4)
 ("mh.clangy.bangy.aiff" 1.389         ()   (15 17)     6     6     (0.092 0.68 0.975)
                                                                                5       7      7           ("glass" "click")   6)
 ("mh.creak.hit.rhythm.aiff"  1.171    ()      ()       5     4     (0.4)       7       5      6           ("wood" "click")    (4 6))
 ("mh.door.bounce.aiff"       2.691    ()      (2)      5     4     (0.155)     7       4      6           ("wood")            5)

; 440

 ("mh.door.klk.aiff"          0.836    ()      ()       7     6     (0.1)       7       5      6           ("wood" "click")    5)
 ("mh.door.klk.rhythm.aiff"   1.6      ()      ()       6     7     (0.05 0.679 1.06)
                                                                                7       7      7           ("loop" "click" "rhythm") 6)
 ("mh.doorjingle.aiff"      0.194      ()      ()       3     4     (0.025)     7       7      3           ("click")           7)
 ("mh.doorlock.klkl.squee.2.aiff" 0.648 (80.5) (13)     5     4     (0.192)     6       5      5           ("click")         (5 7))
 ("mh.doorlock.klkl.squee.klk.aiff"  1.149 ()  ()       5     4     (0.188 0.439 0.668 0.875)
                                                                                5       6      6           ("click")          5)
 ("mh.jar.rub.bang.ryt.aiff" 3.35    ()        (9)      6     7     ()          4       4      7           ("loop" "glass" "rhythm") 3)
 ("mh.jar.rub.bang.ryt.2.aiff"  1.811 (65)     (11)     6     7     (0.0 0.414 0.821)
                                                                                5       4      7           ("loop" "glass" "rhythm") 4)
 ("mh.jarhit.2.aiff"    0.634 (67 79)          (10)     6     7     (0.0)       1       6      2           ("glass")          4)
 ("mh.jarhit.rng.2.aiff"  0.485 (67 79)        (11)     6     7     (0.0)       1       7      2           ("glass")          4)
 ("mh.jarhit.rng.aiff"  0.439 (66.5 78.5)      (10)     6     7     (0.0)       1       7      2           ("glass")          4)

; 450

;  file                       duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm    color    agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                       12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7          1-7      0-7                          0-7
;                                       midi   pc from                     7=noise      7=       0=static                       0=bare
;                                              C=0                                      bright   2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                               4=change                      6=hi piano

 ("mh.jarhit.thud.aiff"  0.259    ()           (11)     6     7     (0.0)       2       7      2           ("glass")          5)
 ("mh.jinkle.1.aiff"   0.512      ()           ()       5     3     (0.039 0.175 0.388) 
                                                                                6       6      6           ("click")          6)
 ("mh.jinkle.2.aiff"   0.384      ()           ()       5     4     (0.03 0.154) 7      6      5           ("click")          5)

;the following are in STILLLEFT
;the following are in STILLLEFT
;the following are in STILLLEFT
;the following are in STILLLEFT
;  file                 duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm    color    agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                 12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7          1-7      0-7                            0-7
;                                 midi  pc from                      7=noise      7=       0=static                       0=bare
;                                        C=0                                      bright   2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                          4=change                       6=hi piano

 ("mh.jugscrape.2.aiff"  0.527    ()     (9 15)    4     4      ()    5             5        4          ("glass" "scrape")   5)
 ("mh.jugscrape.aiff"    1.092    ()     (9 15)    4     4      ()    5             4        5          ("glass" "scrape")   4)
 ("mh.jugscrape.quick.aiff" 0.723 ()     ()        4     3      ()    6             4        6          ("glass" "scrape")   4)
 (""    1.585    ()     (17 10)   4     2      ()    1             6        7          ("voice" "drone" "pvoc") (5 4))
 ("" 1.536  ()     (10)      3     3      (1.247)  3          3        6          ("voice")            4)
 ("mh.klang.ryt.aiff"    0.565    ()     ()        5     7      (0.0 0.187) 5       5        5          ("metal" "wood")    (2 6))
 ("mh.klick.aiff"        0.356    ()     ()        6     7      (0.0)  7            7        2          ("metal")            7)

; 460

 ("mh.klick.swish.2.aiff" 0.273   ()     ()        5     7      (0.0)  7            7        2          ("plastic")          6)
 ("mh.klick.swish.3.aiff" 0.224   ()     ()        6     7      (0.0)  7            7        2          ("plastic")          6)
 ("mh.klick.swish.4.aiff" 0.218   ()     ()        5     7      (0.0)  7            6        2          ("plastic")          6)
 ("mh.klick.swish.5.aiff" 0.369   ()     ()        5      7    (0.0)    7          6         2          ("plastic")         6)
 ("mh.klick.swish.aiff"   0.377   ()     ()        5      7    (0.0)    7          5         3          ("plastic")         5)
 ("mh.klik.klik.aiff"     0.352   ()     ()        5      7    (0.0 0.053 0.212) 7  5        4          ("click")           5)
 ("mh.klik.rhythm.aiff"   1.035   ()     ()        6      7    (0.0 0.277 0.89)  7  6        5          ("click")           4)
 ("mh.klinkystuff.tumble.aiff" 16.719 ()  ()       6      7    (0.098 0.31 0.929 1.416 1.7 2.269 3.612 6.45 8.569 10.725 11.339
                                                                   12.285 12.86 14.7) 7  6   7          ("rhythm" "blech" "metal" 
                                                                                                           "loop" "drone")   5)
 ("mh.klk.aiff"           0.097   ()     ()        5      7    (0.0)    7          5         2          ("click")           5)

 ("mh.klk.complex.aiff"   0.253   ()     ()        3      7    (0.0 0.153) 7       6         3          ("click")           5)

; 470

 ("mh.knng.scrape.aiff"   1.078   ()     ()        4      7    (0.0)    7          4         5           ("click" "scrape")  4)
 ("mh.lamp.ryt.aiff"      1.487   ()     (9)       5      5    (0.214 0.497) 6     6         4           ("click")           5)
 ("mh.lamp.sw.aiff"       0.499   ()     ()        3      4    (0.056 0.364) 7     5         4           ("click")           5)
 ("mh.laura.fragment.aiff" 0.257  ()     (10 3)    5      6    (0.0)    1          5         3           ("voice")           4)
 ("mh.laura.good.morning.aiff" 2.074 ()  (3 9 14)  4      4    (0.0)    1          5         5           ("voice")           5)
 ("mh.laura.meg.aiff"     1.293   ()     (14)      4      3    ()       1          5         3           ("voice")           5)
 ("mh.laura.say.couple.aiff" 1.845 ()    (10 4 18 15) 3   3    ()       1          5         5           ("voice")           5)
 ("mh.laura.sing.aiff"    3.238   ()     (15 10 4 18 4 7) 4 3  ()       1          6         6           ("voice" "melody")  5)
;  perhaps use that and these with a heterophonic doubling

 ("" 1.755 ()  (6 3 12 18) 4     3    ()       1          5         6          ("voice" "melody")   5)
 ("" 4.057 ()  (4 13 18 13 11 8 5 2) 6 2 (2.192)  1       7         7          ("voice" "melody")   7)

; 480

 ("mh.meg.long.question.aiff" 6.549 ()  (11 16 2 16 11 16 11 17 12 5) 
                                                    6     3    ()      1           6         7          ("voice" "melody")   5)
 ("mh.meg.pee.on.rug.aiff"    1.83  ()  (7 15 7 2 10) 7   3    ()      1           6         7          ("voice" "melody")   5)
 (""         1.115 ()  (10 2)      3     3    ()      1           5         4          ("voice")            4)
 ("mh.meg.she.aiff"           0.676 ()  (13)        4     2    ()      1           5         3          ("voice")            4)
 ("mh.meggie.gibberish.aiff"  1.049 ()  (12 0)      5     2    ()      1           4         4          ("voice")            4)
 ("mh.mor.dove.1.aiff"        4.12  ()  (0)         1     1    ()      6           5         1          ("landscape" "dove") (6 5))
 ("mh.mor.dove.2.aiff"        5.122 ()  (6 0 2)     1     1    ()      6           5         1           ("landscape" "dove") (6 5))
 ("mh.mor.dove.3.aiff"        4.992 ()  (6 2 1 0)   1     1    ()      6           5         1         ("landscape" "dove")  (6 5))
 ("mh.mor.dove.4.aiff"        4.992 ()  (6 2 1 0 18 17) 1 1    ()      6           5         1         ("landscape" "dove")  (6 5))
 ("mh.mor.dove.5.aiff"        5.262 ()  (3 2 1 0 18 17) 1 1    ()      6           5         1         ("landscape" "dove")  (6 5))

; 490
;  file                 duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm    color    agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                 12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7          1-7      0-7                            0-7
;                                 midi  pc from                      7=noise      7=       0=static                       0=bare
;                                        C=0                                      bright   2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                          4=change                       6=hi piano

 ("mh.mor.dove.6.aiff"        5.593 ()  (3 1 0 18 17)  1  1    ()      6           5         1         ("landscape" "dove")  (6 5)) 
 ("mh.mor.dove.7.aiff"        4.541 () (5 0 18)     1     1    ()      6            5         1        ("landscape" "dove")  (5 6))
 ("mh.nasty.scrape.2.aiff"    0.917 ()  ()          6     2    ()      7            6         5        ("scrape")            6)
 ("mh.nasty.scrape.aiff"      0.723 ()  ()          6     2    ()      7            6         5        ("scrape")            6)
 ("mh.odd.rhythm.2.aiff"      0.885 ()  ()          3     2    ()      7            3         5        ("click" "rhythm" "loop") 4)
 ("mh.odd.rhythm.aiff"        0.655 ()  ()          2     2    ()      5            4         4        ("rhythm" "loop")     5)
 ("mh.pan.jingling.1.aiff"    0.987 ()  (10)        4     3    ()      4            7         6        ("metal")             4)
 ("mh.pan.jingling.2.aiff"    1.258 ()  (10)        4     3    ()      4            7         6        ("metal")             4)
 ("mh.pan.jingling.3.aiff"    1.032 ()  (10)        4     4    ()      4            6         6        ("metal")             4)
 ("mh.pan.ring.2.aiff"        0.894  () ()          6     7    (0.0)   7            7         2        ("metal")             6)

;  500

 ("mh.pan.ring.3.aiff"        1.109  () (3)         6     7    (0.0)   2            6         2        ("metal")             4)
 ("mh.pan.ring.aiff"          0.902  ()  ()         7     7    (0.0)   4            7         2        ("metal")             4)
 ("mh.pan.swish.1.aiff"       1.254  ()  ()         7     2    ()      7            6         7        ("metal" "scrape")    5)
 ("mh.pan.swish.2.aiff"       1.713  ()  ()         6     5    (0.287 0.627) 7      5         7        ("scrape" "metal")    5)
 ("mh.pan.swish.continuous.aiff" 3.871 () ()        6     5    (0.574 2.319 2.951) 7 5        7        ("scrape" "metal")    5)
 ("mh.pan.waltz.aiff"         1.146 ()  (9 6)       6     7    (0.0 0.401 0.792) 4  6         5        ("metal" "rhythm" "pulse" 
                                                                                                                   "melody") 4)
 ("mh.pan.weird.quent.quote.aiff" 1.318 () (11 14)  7     7    (0.0)    5           5         5        ("metal" "voice")     5)
 ("mh.pencil.drop.ryt.aiff"   0.437  ()  ()         5     6    (0.0 0.133) 7        4         4        ("wood" "click")      3)
 ("mh.pingwhir1.aiff"         0.52   ()  ()         5     7    (0.0)    5           5         2        ("metal" "water")     6)
 ("mh.pingwhir2.aiff"         0.583  ()  ()         5     7    (0.0)    6           6         2        ("metal" "water")     5)

; 510

 ("mh.plat.n.pan.ryt.2.aiff"  3.519  ()  (12 5 8)   7     7    (0.0 0.379 0.745 1.081 1.396 1.778 2.119 2.483 2.833 3.193)
                                                                        2           7         5        ("metal" "rhythm" "pulse" 
                                                                                                                   "melody") 4)
 ("mh.plat.n.pan.ryt.3.aiff"  2.509  ()  (17 9)     7     7    (0.0 0.34 0.697 1.058 1.449 1.816 2.117)
                                                                        3           7         5        ("metal" "rhythm" 
                                                                                                        "melody" "pulse") 4) 
 ("mh.plat.n.pan.ryt.4.aiff"  1.268  ()  (9 17)     6     7    (0.0 0.351 0.566 0.733 0.798)
                                                                        2           6         6        ("metal" "rhythm" 
                                                                                                        "melody") 5)
 ("mh.plat.n.pan.ryt.5.aiff"  2.73   ()  (5 0 3 8)  7     7    (0.0 0.385 0.77 1.138 1.547 1.925 2.32) 
                                                                        3           7         5        ("metal" "rhythm" 
                                                                                                        "pulse" "melody") 5)
 ("mh.plate.konk.aiff"        0.311  ()  ()         6     7   (0.0)     5           7         2        ("metal")             6)
 ("mh.plates.n.pans.ryt.aiff" 3.4647  ()  (8 0 3 5)  6     7   (0.0 0.346 0.745 1.107 1.45 1.771 2.101 2.443 2.77 3.124)
                                                                        3           7         5        ("metal" "rhythm" 
                                                                                                        "pulse" "melody") 6)
 ("mh.rand.hits.aiff"         1.003   ()  ()         4     4   (0.0 0.646) 7         3         6        ("click" "blech")      (2 6))
 ("mh.rimbling.2.aiff"        1.469  ()  ()         3     2   ()        7           4         4        ("blech")              3)
 ("mh.rimbling.3.aiff"       1.869  ()   ()        4      3    ()       7           3         3        ("blech")             3)
 ("mh.rimbling.aiff"         1.242  ()   ()        3      2    ()       7           3         4        ("blech")             3)

;  520

;  file                 duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm    color    agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                 12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7          1-7      0-7                            0-7
;                                 midi  pc from                      7=noise      7=       0=static                       0=bare
;                                        C=0                                      bright   2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                          4=change                       6=hi piano

 ("mh.scrape.bug.aiff"       2.067  ()   ()        3      2    ()       7           4         4        ("scrape" "blech" "plastic")  3)
 ("mh.shlk.2.aiff"           0.161  ()   ()        5      6    (0.035)  7           6         2        ("click")             5)
 ("mh.shlk.3.aiff"           0.211  ()   ()        5      6    (0.099)  7           5         2        ("click")             4)
 ("mh.shlk.aiff"             0.229  ()   ()        5      6    (.054)   7           6         2        ("click")             5)
 ("mh.sift.ryt.2.aiff"       0.894  ()   ()        5      3    (0.034 0.209 0.646) 7 6        5        ("blech")             4)
 ("mh.sift.ryt.aiff"         1.151  ()   ()        7      4    (0.02 0.695 0.896)  7 6        5        ("blech")             6)
 ("mh.spill.da.beans.2.aiff" 2.227  ()   ()        5      4    ()       7           4         5        ("blech")             4)
 ("mh.spill.da.beans.aiff"   1.482  ()   ()        5      5    ()       7           4         5        ("blech")             4)
 ("mh.teenyklink.2.aiff"     0.081  ()   ()        2      7    (0.0)    7           7         1        ("metal" "click")     7)
 ("mh.teenyklink.3.aiff"     0.09   ()   ()        2      7    (0.0)    7           7         1        ("metal" "click")     7)

; 530

 ("mh.teenyklink.aiff"       0.064  ()   ()        2      7    (0.0)    7           7         1        ("metal" "click")     7)
 ("mh.water.sink.spatter.2.aiff" 0.678 () ()       2      3    ()       7           5         2        ("water")             5)
 ("mh.water.sink.spatter.3.aiff" 1.107 () ()       2      3    ()       7           5         2        ("water")             5)
 ("mh.water.sink.spatter.4.aiff" 2.259 () ()       3      3    ()       7           4         2        ("water")           (4 6))
 ("mh.water.sink.spatter.aiff"  10.999 () ()       4      1    ()       7           5         3        ("water")           (4 6))

;  the following are from PNOSOUNDS:

;  file                 duration  pitches        loud  at-hrd bangs noisy/harm    color    agitation   material/category  tessitura
;                                 12-p  19-pc    1-7    1-7   list   0-7          1-7      0-7                            0-7
;                                 midi  pc from                      7=noise      7=       0=static                       0=bare
;                                        C=0                                      bright   2=decay                        audible
;                                                                                          4=change                       6=hi piano

 ("chug.aiff"           0.602     ()     ()      6      5    (0.109)   6           2       4          ("blech" "loop" "piano")    1)
 (""  0.384 ()  ()   5      6    (0.0)     5           4       3          ("blech" "loop" "piano")  (3 4))
 ("cluster1.aiff"       0.891     ()     ()      7      7    (0.0)     4           7       3          ("piano")            7)
 ("cluster2.aiff"       0.662      ()    (18 17) 7      7    (0.023)   3           6       2          ("piano")            6)
 ("cluster3.aiff"       0.911     ()    (16 13)  7      7    (0.031)   3           7       2          ("piano")            7)

; 540

 ("cluster4.aiff"       0.799     ()    (13)     6      7    (0.012)   3           7       2          ("piano")            6)
 ("d3.e3.qf.trill.hard.aiff"  1.873 ()  (2 5)    5      5    ()        2           3       6          ("piano" "drone")    2)
 ("hugecluster.fade.aiff" 1.403    ()   ()       5      5    (0.026)    5           3       2      ("piano" "pvoc" "drone") 2)
 ("hugecluster2.aiff"   0.646      ()   ()       6      5    (0.016)   4           4       2      ("piano" "pvoc" "drone") 3)
 ("hugecluster3.aiff"   0.408      ()   ()       6      5    (0.019)   3           5       2      ("piano" "pvoc" "drone") 4)   
 ("low.aiff"            9.328      ()   ()       6      5    (0.029)   2           1       2      ("piano" "pvoc" "drone") 1) 
 ("" 1.260     ()   (12 11)  5      3    ()        4           4       3      ("piano" "scrape" "pvoc") (1 5))
 ("lowcluster.armageddon.aiff" 3.246 ()  (7)     4      6    (0.0)     5           4       2      ("piano" "pvoc" "drone")  (1 3))
 (""             2.084      ()    ()      4      4    (0.097 0.363 0.579 0.779 0.96 1.282)
                                                                       7           3       7      ("blech" "rhythm" "pvoc")  2)

; 549
;  file                       duration  fund,p  loudness att-hard bangs noisy/harm color agitation material/category  tessitura
;                                        list      1-7      1-7    list   0-7       1-7     0-7                           0-7
;                                        of m                             7=noise   7=     0=static                       0=bare
;                                                                                   bright  2=decay                      audible
;                                                                                          4=change                     6=hi piano
;                                                                                          7=agitated                 7=real high!